Cooking utensil specialty store Kamaasa Shoten aims to be the ultimate standard in Western-style kitchen knives. The birth of their original new knife series "amane"

料理道具専門店 釜浅商店が考える、究極のスタンダードを目指した洋庖丁 オリジナル新包丁シリーズ『amane』誕生

Kamaasa Shoten, a cooking utensil store founded in 1908 in Kappabashi, Tokyo (Taito-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Daisuke Kumazawa), is launching a new original Western-style knife series called " Amane ," which aims to be the ultimate standard . As the first step, the Santoku knife, Gyuto knife, and Paring knife will be available from Friday, November 24, 2023 at the Kappabashi main store, Paris store, official online store, and "The Conran Shop Tokyo Store" which will open at Azabudai Hills Tower Plaza. As a store specializing in cooking utensils, we pursue the ultimate standard that never fades, and are particular about the simple appearance and usability of "THE Western knife."

For more details, please see here (PDF file) .