Kamaasa Shoten (Kamaasa Shoten Co., Ltd., CEO: Kumazawa Daisuke), a cooking utensil store located in Kappabashi, Tokyo, which was founded in 1908, will begin selling their original product, "Kamaasa's Children's Knife," from Wednesday, July 1, 2020, for children who are starting to cook, a product that can be used for a long time even after they become adults.
Kamaasa Shoten operates under the philosophy that " good tools have a good purpose . " They carefully select only those with good purpose from knife-producing regions all over Japan, and stock over 1,000 knives across about 30 different types of Japanese and Western-style knives. Each knife is carefully made by a craftsman, and can be sharpened with a whetstone for long-lasting use.
We developed the Kamaasa Children's Knife with the concept of "a knife that grows with you" in the hope that children who are just starting to cook will develop the joy of cooking and a sense of caring for their tools through knives. In collaboration with a knife manufacturer in Seki City, Gifu Prefecture, which boasts the highest production volume of blades in Japan, we have created a professional-grade steel knife that is both professional and designed with safety for children in mind. Sharpening it will keep the knife sharp for a long time, and it can be used as a paring knife even when the child becomes an adult. We aimed to create a cooking tool that will grow with the child as they grow, and their cooking skills will improve.
For more details, please see here (PDF file) .