event press

【スペーススパイス × 釜浅商店】 人気カレー店による1日限りの ポップアップレストラン“スパイス釜バル”と 釜浅商店初のオリジナルカレ-“KAMA-Curry”を限定販売 『 Pop on Spice 2024 』を開催

[Media Coverage for June 2024] Updated June 24th

[Media Coverage Information for June 2024]

[Media Coverage for May 2024]


Kamaasa Shoten Latest News


Notice of price revision for the Knife-Friendly Black Cutting Board

event info

First Kamaasa Shoten POP UP STORE to be held at Isetan Shinjuku! "Living Together: A Week to Choose the Best Tools for a Lifetime"


Launch of "Life Knife", an original Japanese knife created in collaboration with Mina Perhonen


Cooking utensil specialty store Kamaasa Shoten aims to be the ultimate standard in Western-style kitchen knives. The birth of their original new knife series "amane"


Space Spice x Kamaasa Shoten: Special collaboration between a popular curry restaurant chef and a chef from a different genre, "Spice Kama Bar 2023" to be held