
Cancellation before shipment
We accept cancellation of orders that have not yet been shipped. To request cancellation, please contact us using the inquiry form as soon as possible. Orders cannot be cancelled if they have already been shipped.
Order products not listed online
You can order products not listed online. Please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form.
Reservations for products out of stock
We accept reservations for products out of stock. Please contact us using the inquiry form. We will provide details including the arrival schedule.

Payment at Kappabashi store

Payment options
We accept payment by cash, credit card and electronic payment methods.

Payment in online store

Payment options
We accept payment by credit card and cash on delivery (COD).

[Credit card]
Visa, MasterCard, American Express and JCB

A commission fee will be charged for each delivery, depending on the amount of purchase. Please give the delivery person the total amount of the product price and shipping charges plus the commission fee.

Commission fee (tax included)
- For orders up to JPY30,000: JPY330
- For orders from JPY30,001 to JPY100,000: JPY550
- For orders from JPY100,001 to JPY200,000: JPY880
- For order from JPY200,001 to JPY300,000: JPY990
NOTE: COD is not available for international orders.
Difference between the amount of the order and the amount debited from the credit card
There may be some extra charges (e.g. cross border charges) from your bank when paying in Euros from within the EU. Please inquire your bank for the payment details. If it is not the extra charge from the bank, please contact us using the inquiry form.
Different product pricing depending on destination country/area
Our online shop offers different product prices when we ship orders overseas.

- Japan: Domestic product prices (10% consumption tax included) in JPY
- EU: Product prices for EU region in EUR
- non-EU countries: Product prices for non-EU region in USD

Please kindly note we offer discounted shipping cost when shipping to overseas. We appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form.


Please see here.

Return, refund & exchange

Please see here.


Repair of knives
Most of the chipping can be repaired by re-sharpening the blade. We offer a fee-based knife sharpening service. We offer a knife repair service via mail (Not available for international orders).
Blades can chip by cutting hard ingredients such as bones, seeds or frozen food, dropping and mishandling, or stabbing into hard cutting boards.
We also accept repairs on knives purchased from other stores.
Repair of kitchen utensils
Please get in touch using the inquiry form. Availability and cost of repair depends on the type and condition of the product

Gift wrapping

Please see here.


For online orders, we offer a free engraving service for knives only. Engraving options are displayed on the product page for each knife. Please select the desired engraving option, enter text and add the knife to cart. Engraving for products other than knives is only available at our physical store at Kappabashi, Tokyo.

Request a receipt

You can issue a receipt yourself if you pay by credit card. Please print your receipt from the link provided on the order completion screen, my page, or order confirmation email. If you wish to receive a receipt for COD, please request us using the inquiry form.